Caffeinated Links July 16, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011 at 10:45AM
Will Hutchens in Starbucks, coffee, links

The next time you drink a cup of hot coffee, be sure to take a couple nice long whiffs and enjoy the coffee’s aroma. New research shows that people who drink hot coffee and tea may be less likely to carry strains of antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a “superbug” that hangs out in some people’s noses. One theory for why this would be is that when people drink hot coffee, some of the volatile compounds coming off the surface of the coffee act as antimicrobial agents. link

Andrew Cohen of The Atlantic gives an in-depth review of the HBO documentary “Hot Coffee,” which covers the famous McDonald’s case where a woman from New Mexico was awarded $2.7 million in punitive damages after she spilled her McDonald’s coffee, causing serious leg burns. The review includes a more in-depth discussion of tort reform that does not always make it to the media. link

I didn’t know what a “serial coffee offender” or a “smoko” was until I read the following article. Guess I need to spend more time in Australia. link

Unionized Starbucks employees in Chile are on strike, the first strike in the company’s history. link

A Taiwanese company is incorporating recycled coffee grounds into a new fabric. The coffee reportedly helps control odors and makes the fabric dry more quickly. link

Mashable has a great article about coffee shop etiquette. It’s especially appropriate for those who spend very much time working or studying in cafés. link

Dunkin’ Donuts is going to IPO soon, but (thankfully) it doesn’t sound like the company is going to use the money to expand the number of stores across the country. The money will instead be used to pay down debt. link

As usual, the big green apron is in the news a lot this week. Starbucks released some new ‘bistro’ food options (at least in Chicago), split its international division into two regions and announced that it has signed an agreement with a Chinese coffee company to create a joint venture to process and export coffee grown in the Yunnan region.

Article originally appeared on Caffeinated PDX - Portland Coffee and More (
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