#Trust30 Day 20 - Speaking Less

[Another #Trust30 post...For more information about them, click here].
What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. This rule, equally arduous in actual and in intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder, because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know I. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I once received a fortune cookie that read: “Speak less of your plans, you’ll get more done.” What’s one project that you’ve been sitting on and thinking about but haven’t made progress on? What’s stopping you? What would happen if you actually went for it and did it? - Laura Kimball
In addition to all of the other things I have been writing about for the #Trust30 challenge, one thing I want to do is find more readers for this blog. I have been working pretty hard to keep up on the writing, and I would like to find more people to read it. I need to create more connections with other people, and not be so afraid to promote what I am doing here
Besides trying to increase readership, I also want to change the blog’s design a little to make it more readable and useful. I have seen some pretty good blogs out there that serve as good models, and I could borrow some of their ideas.
The number one thing slowing me down right now is time management. I am writing a lot these days, and administrative things like design get pushed back. They are “important but not urgent” (another Stephen Covey reference), and I tend to work on urgent matters first.
Therefore, in honor of the prompt (“speak less”), I’m going to cut this post short and go try to get something done. Good night, and we'll see each other tomorrow.