July 22 Links (no decaf here)

July 22, 2011 Links
One more week done, one more weekend arrived. Must be time for links. But first, on Sunday, I’ll be publishing a feature on Jim Roberts and the story of Coffee People. Coffee People was a Portland coffee company who tried to go national in the 1990s, but didn’t succeed like its owners had hoped. Be sure to check back Sunday evening for the story.
The filmmaker who directed and produced “Hot Coffee,” Susan Saladoff (from Ashland, Oregon) did an interview with the Connecticut Law Tribune. If you care about the civil justice system or about tort reform, it sounds like you should watch the film. link
UK-based Costa Coffee is not letting Starbucks go unchallenged in the Chinese market, recently announcing it plans to open more than 100 new stores in the world’s most populous country. link
Truth in coffee advertising? Australians make me laugh. link
Speaking of Australia, some of its cafés are soon going to have milk on tap, at least for the baristas. In an effort to reduce the need for plastic milk jugs, a Sydney coffee company has come up with a new way to transport and supply milk to where the cafés need it. link
If you have questions about cold coffee and/or iced tea, The New York Times’ Harold McGee probably has an answer. link
Barista Magazine’s Sarah Allen just got back from a trip to Brazil, where she was traveling with a group of super-skilled baristas, including Portland’s (and Coava’s) Sam Purvis. link
Two researchers from the Global Coffee Quality Research Initiative are using mapping systems to help develop the Rwandan coffee industry. link
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has made it back into the ranks of the billionaire club with the recent increases in Starbucks’ stock price. Now maybe he can afford to bring the Sonics back to Seattle. link
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