Flowers and fruits of the fall

This morning, as I hopped off my bike at Oblique Coffee, I saw some flowers growing on the fence outside. I don’t normally notice flowers (I tend to stop and smell the coffee instead of the roses), but these were so unique, I couldn’t help it. For fun, I’ll buy the first person to correctly identify them a cup of coffee at the PDX café of their choice (bonus points for the proper genus). John Chandler, Oblique’s owner, told me what they are, so I do know the right answer.
Inside the café, I tried a couple of nice natural coffees, one from Uganda and the other from the Harrar region of Ethiopia. Both were light and fruity, as you might expect. Lots of strawberry and blueberry flavors in them.
Reader Comments (5)
Will, I believe this is a Blue Passion flower (Passiflora caerulea). A native flower from South America. Quite a beautiful flower, with a potent smell when picked.
I enjoy your blog as I'm quite a coffee lover myself.
Bryon, you nailed it. I'd never seen it before, and just had to take a picture.
Thanks for reading, and let me know if you're up for a cup of coffee sometime. My treat.
Technically, it is the Passiflora Incarnata, native to the Southeast. Incarnata and Caerulea are virtually indistinguishable, although Caerulea may not be as frost tolerant (I bought the plant at Portland Nursery, and most of their stock is frost hardy for our zone) - and maybe the fruits are a bit different. The incarnata was purportedly named such by all the wacko Xians back in the day because the bloom reminded them of Christ on the cross... - leave it the Xians to turn it all bloody!!! I don't think Alex Trebek would give Bryon the point, but since I'm such a nice guy, how about the both of youses come over to the cafe / roastery for a coffee on me?!?!?!? We can try the Uganda Rwenzururu Kingdom natural that you had the other day in a slightly lighter profile that brings the fruit aromatics out more. Lemme know on Facebook: Oblique Coffee Roasters
John, your correct... My wife schooled me on this right after i posted online. "Incarnata! She said... Ok I was close... Would love to drop by with Will for a cup. Going to Napa for the weekend and when I'm back I'll see what day/time works for Will.
Will, it looks like John is providing the coffee this round. We can discuss a meetup time later next week. After reading your posts for so long I look forward to meeting you.
If' we're picking nits here, I did only ask for the genus, so at the very least, partial credit is due. John, I accept the offer for coffee. Bryon, have a good trip to Napa. I look forward to meeting you next week.